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Learn C++ in 21 Days

Uh oh. Looks like I'm in trouble. Turns out it's possible to learn everything there is about coding in under a month. From there, 6 figure jobs await. The only reason everyone doesn't code is because Evil Programmers have overcomplicated it in the name of job security.

A CS degree is obviously a scam as well. Who needs that? It's all a waste of money, when you can just self-teach yourself everything covered in the degree in a few weeks.

Maybe if programmers didn't insist on using these vastly over-complicated languages to do everything, we wouldn't need programmers. If only someone could invent a language with English-like syntax, so that everyone could read and write it.

Obviously I'm Kidding

Simply looking around can prove all the above wrong: If it was so easy to do, we'd have a lot more programmers. Really, the only way you're going to "learn a new language in 21 days" is if you already know how to code.

I TAed a second-year course (for you Americans, second year is the second year that you're in uni) that both introduced students to C++, and taught them introductory data-structures and algorithms.

I certainly wouldn't hire any of those kids to do C++ work for me, even though they worked on it for 4 months (in addition to already having done 2 other courses where they learned how to code in other languages). If second year students doing a CS degree can't learn C++ in 21 days, I'm not really sure why random people with no CS background think they can.

"So what was the point of this rant?"

You don't see "How to Become a Lawyer in 21 Days" or "How to Become a Pharmacist in 21 days". Law is only so complicated because lawyers made up all these complicated words, after all. If they didn't do that, the average person could do it no problem. And how hard is it to give drugs out to people? The doctors already tell them what drugs to give, it's basically impossible to screw up.

Honestly, it's kind of frustrating to see my entire field reduced down to "anyone can learn this in 21 days". That's the Dunning-Kruger Effect at work I guess.

Or maybe I'm just a dumbass and coding isn't actually that hard. Bah.