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This Site is Unprofessional

"Your website is unprofessional". I've heard this from many, many people that I've shown site to. I don't disagree. It's my personal website. It's not on resume for a reason. There's (fucking) profanity, strong biased opinions about CS topics, criticism of many large tech companies, criticism of the industry practices as a whole (such as interviewing and recruiting), childish jokes about a certain Website, shit that's completely unrelated to anything I do professionally, and actual shit-posts.

On top of that, the website is a piece of garbage, by design. I literally used the C-preprocessor to template it. I have a visitor count that does nothing on the front page. I have a tell you you should upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer. All things that I think are funny to put on my site, but go over a lot of people's heads. (I guess if they were actually funny I wouldn't have to explain them.)

None of this matters though. As mentioned, my site's not listed on my resume. If you've stumbled upon it, you're either not looking to hire me, or you've already gone through my Github, in which case I suggest looking at some of my other projects instead.

I doubt most companies even find my site when they're doing an initial screen anyways. Call that cynicism if you will, but most companies can't even be bothered to read through a fucking resume. Recruiters can't even be bothered to write a custom email to me. Some can't even spell my fucking name. Are they seriously gonna dig through my site? Fuck no.

It's funny that I can counter "you won't get hired with such a shit site" with "yes I will because no one's gonna read through it anyways", and have it be true. Ah, how I love the job hunt.

(If you're looking to hire me and bothered to read this far, wow. I'm genuinely impressed.)